Thursday 30 June 2011


Sri Sri: Authenticity and skillfulness appear to be contradictory, but in fact they are complementary. Your intentions need to be authentic and your actions need to be skillful. The more authentic the intention, the more skillful the action will be. Authentic intention and skillful action make you unshakable. Skill is required only when authenticity cannot have its way. Yet skill without authenticity makes you shallow. You cannot have an authentic action and a skillful intention. If you try to be authentic in your action but manipulative in your mind, that is when mistakes happen. John: Is it possible to have a powerful intention, like greed, that is authentic? Sri Sri: If your intention is colored by greed, over-ambition, etc. then your intention is not authentic. Whenever your intentions are impure, it pricks your consciousness, so it cannot be authentic. Authentic intentions are free from negative emotions. An action that is not skillful leads to negative emotions and an intention that is not authentic harbors negative emotions. Gayatri: If our intention is authentic and yet our actions are not skillful, what should we do? Sri Sri: Carry a handkerchief (laughter). Question: What is the best skill to deal with intention? Sri Sri: Do not keep any sankalpas (intentions) to yourself. Offer them to the Divine. Actions can never be perfect but our intentions can be perfect. Actions always have room for improvement. Action means growth and movement, and that needs space. The depth in you and the freedom in you bring out all the skillfulness in you. Krishna was the most skillful because his silence was so deep. || Jai Guru Dev ||

Shadow Of The Self

When you love something, you have a sense of belongingness with it. You can only love something, because it is belongs to you. If it is not yours, you cannot love it. Love is the shadow of the Self. The bigger the Self, the bigger the shadow, and the bigger the love. When the love is cast over the entire creation, then you are the Big Self. That is the Lordship. When the Lordship dawns on the Self, there is perennial celebration. - Sri Sri || Jai Guru Dev ||

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Sensitive& Strong

Those who are sensitive often feel weak. Those who feel strong are often insensitive. Some people are sensitive to themselves but insensitive to others . They often feel the others are "bad guys." Those who are sensitive to others but not to themselves often end up feeling 'Poor me.' Some conclude it's better not to be sensitive, because sensitivity brings pain. They shut off. But mind you, if you are not sensitive, you will lose all the finer things in life, too--intuition, beauty and ecstasy of love. Insensitive people usually do not recognize their weakness. And those who are sensitive do not recognize that their sensitivity is their strength. This path and this Knowledge make you strong and sensitive. Sensitivity is intuition. Sensitivity is compassion. Sensitivity is love. Sensitivity is real strength, calmness, endurance, silence, non-reactiveness, confidence, faith --- and a smile. Be both sensitive and strong. - Sri Sri || Jai Guru Dev ||

The Goal Of All Answers

Some questions can be answered only in Silence. Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind it is "no" answer. Thoughts are not the goal in themselves. Their goal is Silence. When you ask the question "Who am I?" you get no answer, there is silence. That is the real answer. For your soul is solidified silence. This solidified silence is wisdom, is knowledge. The easy way to silence the thoughts is to arouse the feelings. For through feelings only peace, joy and love dawn. And they are all your very nature. To the question "Who am I?" the only relevant answer is silence. You need to discard all answers in words, including "I am Nothing" or "I am the Cosmic Self" or "I am the Self" - and just stick to the question "Who am I?". All other answers are just thoughts. Thoughts can never be complete. Only Silence is complete. - Sri Sri || Jai Guru Dev ||