Monday 30 November 2009

Faith And Alertness!!

Faith and alertness appear to be completely opposite in nature. When you are alert, usually there is no faith and you feel restless and insecure. When there is faith the mind is secure and rested and you are not alert. There are three types of faith: Tamasic faith which is because of dullness. Like when you do not want to take responsibility or action and you say, "Oh it doesn't matter, anyway God will take care of all these things!" (laughter) Rajasic faith which is brought on by intense compulsion of desires and ambition. The ambition keeps the faith alive.Satvic faith is innocent and is born out of fullness of consciousness. Faith and alertness, though apparently opposite in nature, are actually complementary to each other. In the absence of faith there can be no growth, and without alertness there can be no correct understanding. Faith can make you complacent. Alertness makes you tense.If there is no faith, there is fear. And when there is no alertness one cannot perceive or express properly. A combination of both is essential. In Gyana (state of wisdom) there is alertness without tension and faith without complacency. The purpose of education should be to remove the element of dullness from faith and the element of fear from alertness. This is a unique and rare combination. If you have faith and alertness at the same time, then you will become a true Gyani (the Wise One)! - Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Worries And Feelings

The head worries and the heart feels. They cannot function at the same time.When your feelings dominate, worry dissolves.If you worry a lot, your feelings are dead; you are stuck in the head. Worrying makes your mind and heart inert and dull. Worries are like a rock in the head. Worry entangles you. Worry puts you in a cage.When you feel, you do not worry.Feelings are like flowers, they come up, they blossom and they die. Feelings rise, they fall and then disappear. When feelings are expressed, you feel relieved. When you are angry, you express your anger and the next moment you are all right. Or you are upset, you cry and you get over it.Feelings last for some short time and then they drop, but worry eats at you for a longer period of time, and eventually eats you up.Feelings make you spontaneous. Children feel, so they are spontaneous. Adults put brakes on their feelings and they start worrying. Worrying about anything obstructs action while feelings propel action. Worrying about negative feelings is a blessing because it puts the brakes on those feelings, preventing you from acting on them. Usually one never worries about positive feelings. Worries are uncertain. Worrying takes away your energy; you cannot think clearly when you worry.Offering your worries is prayer and prayer moves you in feelings.When you think you are feeling too much then you start worrying about your feelings. Let's not worry about it and feel our food! - Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev

Sunday 22 November 2009


If you cannot get rid of vices, increase them. Worry, pride, anger, lust, grief - give them a bigger dimension and a different direction.
Anger - what is the point of getting angry about small events? Be angry about the infinite, about Brahma.
Ego, pride - If you cannot get rid of pride, take pride in owning THE DIVINE.
Greed - Be greedy for SATSANG.
Craving - Crave for truth.
Aversion - Be averse to aversions.
Jealousy - Be jealous about SEVA.
Intoxication - Get intoxicated in the DIVINE.
Attachment - Attach yourself to the guru.
Joy is love for what is.
Sorrow is love for what is not.-
Sri Sri
Jai Guru Dev

Thursday 19 November 2009


Neither Accept People As They Are Nor Tolerate ThemSri Sri: Many people think tolerance is a virtue.Tolerance is a negative term. If you like something you don't have to tolerate. Tolerance indicates a deep sense of dislike, which can at any time turn into hatred. It indicates a sense of separateness . . small mindedness . . limitation of consciousness.When you are tolerating, it is a temporary state. Tolerance is a potential volcano. If you are tolerating it means you are holding on.Acceptance is also negative. You accept that which is not lovable.Question: Don't you need a sense of self-assurance to then go and love people?This is our company. The Self-Assurance Company. It is only the Self that is always assuring. Nothing else.Tolerance and acceptance come with judgment and separation. These words which are used, tolerance and acceptance are thought to be positive. I say they are not. Question: But aren't we supposed to accept people as they are?If you don't love them, then you have to accept them. DON'T ACCEPT PEOPLE AS THEY ARE. JUST LOVE THEM AS THEY ARE. Jai Guru Dev

Monday 16 November 2009

Signs Of A Seeker

Six Signs Of A Seeker 1. Acknowledging that one knows very little.Many people think they know, without knowing or they get stuck in their limited knowledge. So they never learn. So the first thing is to acknowledge that one knows very little. 2. Willingness to know.Many people acknowledge that they do not know, but they are not ready to learn. 3. Being non-judgmental and open-minded.Some people would like to learn but their judgmental attitude and close-mindedness does not allow them to learn. 4. Total commitment and one-pointedness to the path one has chosen.Some people are open-minded but lack commitment and one-pointedness. They keep shopping here and there and never progress. 5. Always putting truth and service before pleasure.Sometimes even committed and one-pointed people stay away from the path in pursuit of momentary pleasures. 6. Patience and perseverance.Some people are not swayed by pleasures and are committed and one-pointed, but if they lack patience and perseverance, they become restless and dejected. - Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev

Sunday 15 November 2009

Satsangh, Meditataion&Pranayama Is The Best Gift For You

Sri Sri: You know, when one accepts that one is a fool then he is actually intelligent. A real fool does not recognize his foolishness. We are in a universe full of secrets. We are floating in the ocean of infinite secrets. There are infinite secrets in every atom. Science tries to discover and reveal these secrets but this attempt is like trying to discover the ocean in a small boat. It is that small, and there is so much more left to discover, which is impossible. And when science tries to find one secret, ten more arise. No scientist can say that, ‘I know all the secrets of the universe’. No one can say that. As science discovers more, it finds that there is so much more that is unknown, a secret. So, love the secret! Honor the secret! This is the Chidambara rahasya. There are infinite secrets in the consciousness. You can’t understand all of them. The sky is endless. Like the sky, even secrets are endless. Our ancestors honored secrecy. A mantra is kept secret when we want to do japa (chant). What you keep as a secret, grows. We don’t express our love, we don’t say ‘I love you’ everyday. When you are so deeply in love, just one glance is enough. Sometimes by saying it so many times, the love diminishes. If you do not express yourself at all, then also it is of no use. There is the appropriate way to express your life experiences. It should be like sowing a seed. It is a sown a few inches deep, not just on the surface level nor too deep. Then the relationship lasts for the whole lifetime. No child tells the mother, ‘I love you’, all the time- it is shown through his actions. A yogi always does things in moderation - neither too much work nor sleep. Neither too much food nor too much fasting is favorable. It is not a favorable solution. If you don’t eat for days or do such things then it is not only a torture for your body but also a torture for your soul. So have moderation in your food, interactions and speech. Then yoga siddhi (state of perfection) is attained and all sadness fades away. So, to become free from sorrow continue to do your sadhana and meditation. Meditation happens to us. We don’t have to do it, with an effort. And the solution to be free from any obstacle to meditation is to sit in that space of the beautiful ‘I don’t know’. In the Chidambaram temple, there is a screen and behind it there is only a wall. It looks as if you are bowing down to a wall but there is a deeper meaning behind it. It signifies the akasha tattva (the space principle). When you move the screen, the space is revealed. When you remove the veil of illusion and desires, you experience the vast infinite inner space. For a few moments your mind becomes free from thoughts. We realize that there is some secret of which we have had a small glimpse, like a flash, and this experience brings a transformation in life. Q) How do you go beyond karma? When did it start and when will it end? Sri Sri: When did the world begin? Audience: I don't know! Sri Sri: When will the world end? Audience: I don't know! Sri Sri: This question is also like that. We don’t know when the cycle of karma started. We don’t know the beginning but the seeds of karma can be burnt in the fire of knowledge. Q) Guruji, why do we have to suffer because of our past impressions? In the present we are innocent. Sri Sri: If you plant a coconut tree three years back then you enjoy the fruit later. You put money in the bank and expect it back with interest isn't it? Will you agree if the bank tells you to forget about it because it was so many years ago that you put the money? You want only the fruits which are favorable! We need to realize, accept our mistake and move on. Then the intensity of the karma reduces. Asking forgiveness for all mistakes made knowingly and unknowingly is part of our pujas also. Q) Guruji, there are so many spiritual leaders, do we need to visit all and read their teachings? Sri Sri: Respect and honor everybody. Follow one path. Suppose you meet four gurus and you take four mantras and techniques, which one will you use? It is like trying to reach your destination on four different boats at the same time! You will reach nowhere. If you had a guru before and you have come here now, know that he sent you here. Even saying 'all gurus' is wrong. There is only one guru principle. And all the Masters want only your happiness. When you want to dig a well, if you dig two feet deep in ten places, you will not find water. You need to go deep in just one place. There is no need to go everywhere, it’s not necessary. When you have faith in one path and move ahead then for sure you will reach your destination. Q) How do I free myself from weaknesses? Does performing puja help? Sri Sri: Satsang, meditation and pranayama is the best gift to you. Chanting mantras, doing pujas has its place. Don’t worry too much about it. Meditate and do a little puja. Don’t leave it out completely nor overdo it. Q) How do I see God? Sri Sri: Have you seen the breeze? Yet you know it is there. You can feel it. Similarly you can’t see God but the heart feels the presence, the prana (life-force). Q) Guruji, you have said to love the secret, but I feel curious to know it also! Sri Sri: Curiosity is natural. It sharpens the intellect. Loving the secret refines the feeling level. Life is a balance of the intellect and the feelings. Q) Technology and science have advanced so much, when will spirituality grow? Sri Sri: It’s already happening. So many of you are here. In our country science and spirituality are not in conflict. They complement each other. Both are necessary. Bhava (heart level) and buddhi (head level) are both required. When you watch TV, seeing and listening is important. Q) Guruji, when I heard that the world is going to come to an end in 2012, it was a blessing in disguise for me because I was able to stop my racing and really look at myself and do the things I really wanted to. I could bring some rest for my mind. Sri Sri: Pralaya (dissolution) can happen anytime. Thousands of black holes can swallow the solar systems, the sun is carefully moving through them. Whether dissolution happens or not, you still keep your calm and work to uphold justice and the truth without being caught up in craving and aversion. Do what you can. Jai Gurudev.

Saturday 14 November 2009

The One In Many

It is the intellect that divides and that synthesizes. Some creatures in the world only synthesize and some creatures only divide. But the human being has both abilities, he divides and synthesizes. Ants only synthesize, they bring Things Together And Build An Ant Hill. But Monkeys Cannot Synthesize, They Can Only Divide Everything. You Give Them a garland for example, and they tear it to pieces and throw it all over the place. A monkey can only divide, or analyze. But a beaver synthesizes, it brings all the wood together and builds a dam. Birds also synthesize such as the Weaver birds.A human being both analyzes and synthesizes. So you analyze from the relative world and synthesize to find the one. The intellect divides to find the truth. Truth once found synthesizes everything.When the intellect becomes quiet, it brings out the intelligence. Often people think that gathering information makes one intelligent. This is not so. It is the "samadhi" which brings out the intelligence.An unintelligent man, in spite of having all the information, cannot be creative. An intelligent man without much information can be creative.A sign of intelligence is to see the one in many and find the many in one.There is an old Sanskrit proverb: The first sign of intelligence is not to start anything. The second sign of intelligence is if you have started something, you have to continue it to the end.
If you have annoyed somebody, don't stop it in the middle, take him to the edge. (Laughter)
Jai Gurudev.

Tuesday 10 November 2009


Guruji's Knowledge Sheet:
Silence - The Goal of All Answers Some questions can be answered only in Silence. Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind it is "no" answer. Thoughts are not the goal in themselves. Their goal is Silence. When you ask the question "Who am I?" you get no answer, there is silence. That is the real answer. For your soul is solidified silence. This solidified silence is wisdom, is knowledge. The easy way to silence the thoughts is to arouse the feelings. For through feelings only peace, joy and love dawn. And they are all your very nature. To the question "Who am I?" the only relevant answer is silence. You need to discard all answers in words, including "I am Nothing" or "I am the Cosmic Self" or "I am the Self" - and just stick to the question "Who am I?". All other answers are just thoughts. Thoughts can never be complete. Only Silence is complete. Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev

Wednesday 4 November 2009


FIRE The senses are like fire. Your life is also like fire. In the fire of senses, whatever you put in burns. If you burn tires, it creates pollution and bad smell. But if you burn sandalwood, it creates fragrance.Celebration happens around the bonfire. Grief happens around the fire of cremation. The same fire that supports life in winter, can also destroy. One fire, like a ghee lamp, lights your way and purifies. Another fire made of toxic material creates pollution.You are also like fire. Are you the fire that creates smoke and pollution or the flame of camphor which creates light and fragrance? A saint is like a camphor flame that creates light and the fragrance of love. He is the friend of life.The fire that creates light and warmth and is useful is of higher quality. The fire that creates light and a little smoke as well is of medium quality. The fire that creates darkness and only smoke is of low quality. Learn to distinguish the different fires. If your senses are engaged in goodness, then you will create light and fragrance. If engaged in impurity, you create smoke and darkness. It is samyama that transforms the quality of fire in you. Next week we will discuss samyama.- Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev

The Secrets Of Life

There are five secrets which are sacred and are guarded by the subtle beings and angels in this creation. They are: 1. Jananarahasya (the secret of birth)Birth is a secret. How a soul takes a body, the criteria for selecting the place of birth, time of birth, type of body, parents, etc are all a secret. 2. Maranarahasya (the secret of death)Death is a highly guarded secret. Death remains a mystery. The process of separation of spirit from matter and its journey from then on is a secret. 3. Rajarahasya (the royal secret, the secret of ruling)The principles of governing; the principles of maintaining the orderliness in creation are a secret .4. Prakritirahasya (the secret of nature)Nature is a mystery. The more you know about nature, the mystery deepens. The more a scientist knows, the more he feels there is much more to know. Science, though appearing to resolve the mystery in creation, has deepened it. The knowledge of particles, wave functions, black holes, the vacuum state, etc have only deepened the mystery. 5. Mantrarahasya (secret of mantras)The mantras and their effect, influence, method and mode of working are all a mystery. Mantras are the impulses or rhythms of consciousness, which itself is a mystery.Usually in the West, a secret is shameful and dishonest. But in the East, it is honored and regarded as sacred.- Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev

Monday 2 November 2009


Q: What do you do if people don't respect you? Sri Sri : Thank them. They have given you freedom. (Laughter and amazement) When people respect you, they often take away your freedom. They expect you to smile at them, recognize them, behave in a certain way with them.If they don't respect you, you are not obliged to answer their questions and you can drop all the formalities. Either you will be naturally smiling or frowning. So you will be complete.When people love and respect you, you are obliged to return their courtesies because you don't want to hurt them. When they don't respect or love you, they will not be hurt by your actions and expressions. So they set you free.When you gain respect, you often do it at the cost of your freedom. Wisdom is to put the freedom first and not bother about respect. Q: Will freedom not bring arrogance? Sri Sri: True freedom is not an "I don't care" attitude. It is lightness from within, a genuine smile and not stiffness.When someone is stiff and arrogant, they are not really free. True love blossoms only in such freedom.And when there is genuine love, respect simply follows you. Jai Guru Dev


SATSANG IS THE SHELTER Why do people need homes? Can they live like animals in the forest without shelter? Even intelligent animals make their homes. Man needs protection from changing nature. So he builds a shelter for physical comforts. In the same way, for spiritual and mental comfort - Satsang is the shelter.One who does not do Satsang is like a wild animal. Satsang alone makes one civilized. Satsang is the shelter from the changing times and its harsh influence on life.Satsang is the nest in which you can rest.If you are a taker of happiness, you get misery.If you are a giver of happiness, you get joy and love. Sri Sri Jai Guru Dev